Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

“‘We want to initiate the conversation now as to how to classify psilocybin [magic mushrooms] to facilitate its path to the clinic…'”

“Studies in animals and humans both show low potential for abuse”

“As for safety, studies show it frequently falls at the end of the scales with the least harm to users and society”


Attorney General of Belize

“…the Senate met last week and voted to affirm what the House of Representatives had passed, saying that the decriminalisation of ten grams or less of marijuana.

So this week the National Assembly sent the papers to me for verification that all was in order, I signed off on it as Attorney General and then it went to the Governor General, telling the Governor General that everything is in order and I advised the Governor General to assent and he so assented yesterday.

…the law is here, if you’re an adult and you have in your possession 10 grams of marijuana or less, you are within the law and it’s totally legal

…like any other drug, please enjoy it responsibly”

Durham Police / UK Home Office

“We saw health benefits for the individuals, we saw needles being taken off the street, so there’s an awful lot of evidence both in the UK and across the world that such schemes do actually work.

A Home Office spokesman said there was evidence “supervised use of [diamorphine] in a medical environment as part of a treatment plan can help keep patients in treatment and out of criminal behaviour”.

Lancet medical journal and Johns Hopkins University

“The goal of prohibiting all use, possession, production, and trafficking of illicit drugs is the basis of many of our national drug laws, but these policies are based on ideas about drug use and drug dependence that are not scientifically grounded … The global ‘war on drugs’ has harmed public health, human rights and development. It’s time for us to rethink our approach to global drug policies, and put scientific evidence and public health at the heart of drug policy discussions.”

Kofi Annan

“It is time to acknowledge that drugs are infinitely more dangerous if they are left solely in the hands of criminals who have no concerns about health and safety. Legal regulation protects health. Consumers need to be aware of what they are taking and have clear information on health risks and how to minimize them. Governments need to be able to regulate vendors and outlets according to how much harm a drug can cause.”